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for orchestra (3')
fl, picc, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn,
4 hn, 3 tpt, 2 tbn, 1 b tbn, 1 tba
1 timp
2 perc
1 harp
The fiery music pays homage to Beethoven’s Egmont Overture (1810). Beethoven set music to Goethe’s drama on the 16th century general Lamoraal, Count of Egmont of the Netherlands, who was remembered for his fighting for freedom under the Spanish oppression. Blaze makes use of a short motif from Beethoven’s work, of which the original version is played by the oboes in the calm middle section.
Blaze was commissioned by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in 2019.
The score is available for purchase at BabelScore.

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